Request Information

Request Information

Please contact us. We enjoy answering any and all questions and discussing our favorite topic: MOUNTAINS:

Email: . UK Phone: +44(0)7810375400 , USA Phone: 1-360-570-0715 . Text Messages, SMS, WhatsApp, Viber: +13602503407

Request Info Form: Instructions: Please fill up the required fields, and then we will email you immediately. Please look for our email and send us a quick reply so we know it went to your inbox and not your spam box. Thank you very much. Looking forward to meeting you!! - Best Regards - The SummitClimb Team

To receive information about a trip of interest, check the box next to it. Submit the form by scrolling down to the bottom, enter the security text, and press "submit". Thank you.


Karakoram Climb and Trek

South America



Programme Involvement
